Obamacare vs. Government Shutdown
It scared me to hear Obama actually vocally complain on broadcasted television that the “Our Founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes.” Does he even get it? For him on Monday to sit back and disregard the house as a single entity, a single session, and a hurdle that needs to go away is dumbfounding and further proves that's he's as stupid and I've always assumed him to be. THAT'S THEIR DAMN JOB! Providing the check and balance to represent what their constituents want. As the silver-tongued salesman that he's always been, he went on to state that he won't be 'black-mailed' into making concessions on this monstrosity that he jammed through the house and senate years ago that ASTONISHINGLY the public STILL doesn't really fully understand. He goes on to try to draw empathy by stating if a rebup president was in office and a democrat lead house tried to do the same sort of blackmail for gun reform such as background checks he would also be held hostage under this precedent he's currently faced with. Nothing but SMOOTH-TALKING bullshit comparing apples and oranges. Gun reform has NOTHING to do with the budget concerns the GOP in the house are addressing... this healthcare reform has EVERYTHING to do with budgetary concerns, the debt ceiling and the economy in general. I challenge everyone to not drink their own kool-aid, turn-off the stupid news for a moment and think about it. Do you really understand the big picture and ramifications of obamacare are? What safe-guards are put in place to 'try' to prevent it from becoming a disaster and so many other countries have been burdened with and still haven't been above to recover ie., Australia. How is this entitlement not going to morph into something it was never intended after the door is cracked open, the sheer force of government stupidity and spending always blows it wide open for more votes in their pocket. This is Obama's own damn fault for not doing his part to educate the public of this law he rammed through the house and senate at the beginning of his term. What happened Monday is just a symptom of Obama's failures as an ineffective leader, NOT THE CAUSE.
On a positive note perhaps this will encourage the largest US employer's (the government) employee's to seek jobs in the private sector and 'trim the fat' a bit. We have fallen into a pit of such a sad state where we just expect the government to take care of everyone. I also encourage everyone to take this opportunity to actively look around around and find opportunities to serve those who are less fortunate, especially those who have children enrolled for WIC (Woman, Infants, Children) federal assistance. Take back your right to serve those in your community. I extend a similar challenge those less fortunate to seek after assistance in their communities in private entities and/or churches. There is a time to serve and a time to be served.
On a positive note perhaps this will encourage the largest US employer's (the government) employee's to seek jobs in the private sector and 'trim the fat' a bit. We have fallen into a pit of such a sad state where we just expect the government to take care of everyone. I also encourage everyone to take this opportunity to actively look around around and find opportunities to serve those who are less fortunate, especially those who have children enrolled for WIC (Woman, Infants, Children) federal assistance. Take back your right to serve those in your community. I extend a similar challenge those less fortunate to seek after assistance in their communities in private entities and/or churches. There is a time to serve and a time to be served.
“The transformation of charity into legal entitlement has produced donors without love and recipients without gratitude. It’s not my place or my purpose to criticize these developments, only to observe that they do not suggest the expanding role of government is good for Christianity.” –U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia