Obama, what the hell…

I’ll be the first to admit, after Bush’s blundering shenanigans and realizing the only business-oriented, straight-shooting candidate (Mitt Romney) was squeezed out of the election by dumbass Mike Huckabee who robbed the conservative votes, I was open and excited to see if the comforting touch of Obama’s words would settle the economic tidal wave we are currently feeling.  However, after a month of him taking office I am left speechless, shocked and appalled by how quickly he has spun on his words and is setting up America for total financial ruin by pushing the DUMBEST stimulus plan ever to pass through Washington DC. He is going to try attempt a ‘quick-fix’ and buy his way out of this.

Instead of addressing the actual issues of what got us here he want to give everyone feel-good money. Well, guess what, we are going to need to spend a few humble years and feel the pain we caused ourselves. We should not give into the feeling of ENTITLEMENT that seems to be plaguing this country on almost every front. Just last night I saw a woman stand up at a press conference Obama was holding in Alabama where he was trying to promote this $870 BILLION stimulus plan. She stated that she was sick of living in mobile homes and living impoverished and all she cared about was if Obama could give her a home, a car and food on her table. WHAT THE HELL? Has she earned that? Who is going to pay for that?

Does anyone care to realize how utterly stupid this is? Let me put this in terms you may be able to grasp a little better. Like a irresponsible teenager, Obama has got a hold of daddy-America’s wallet. He’s not happy with the lifestyle he facing, so instead of buckling down and committing to working hard and living within the means of the situation, he has decided to charge it. Does he not realize that every cent of that needs to be paid back… WITH INTERST? So who is going to cover that bill? This woman who just wants someone to give her a house and car without her having to earn it? The money has to come from somewhere folks. Obama, what is your exit strategy? What is your end-game plan? Pass the buck to my generation, and to my kid’s generation? This is $870 BILLION! How are we ever going to recover from this? This kind of arrogance and irresponsibility is unprecedented…

“We as a nation are truly squandering [our children's] rightful inheritance by allowing our leaders, both national and state, to avoid acting on a simple truth: we are living beyond our means as a society and laying the debt upon our children.

Government leaders are paralyzed as they face the obvious solutions: cut spending, reduce entitlements and increase revenues. Democrats capitulate to the myriad of special interests shrieking their litany of need while Republicans rush to protect the property of the fortunate and well placed. Only a few of our elected officials have the valor to propose workable solutions and they either are ignored or forced out of office. "Don't look for any profiles in courage here," Dan Rostenkowski, legendary Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, once said of Congress. How sad! How pathetic! How disgusting! How true! Using rhetorical flourishes, sound bites, media hype, huge donations from special interests, fiscal "smoke and mirrors," parliamentary slights of hand and a host of other escape devices, members of Congress have weaseled away from their fundamental responsibility: the promotion and nurturing of the national interests and general welfare. High officials in the executive branch are little better as demonstrated by their persistent unwillingness to propose a meaningful balanced budget and to accept the obvious need for established limits on entitlement spending.” Jim L. Riley Ph.D

Obama is looking back 60 years thinking that Eisenhower’s plan to stimulate the economy by building America's infrastructure are going to work today such as his Interstate Highway program. BUT, HELLO, we don’t need to work on our infrastructure, it is already in place. Eisenhower’s plan was to further develop our developing country so that when business and trade were ready to grow, they would have a way to move their product. We currently have NO NEED for such a program. So what is Obama’s plan? To create jobs by rebuilding water parks and rebuilding government buildings... ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

I must also take a second to point out that even though this problem are currently facing was done under the ‘Republican’ watch, it was the democrats who pushed all the policies that lead to the housing crash we had because they wanted everyone to be treated ‘fairly’ only propagating this nasty virus we have contracted called entitlement. Well how fair do you think people are feeling treated now?

The only real solution to the mess we are in is to realign ourselves with what America is. We are a capitalist society. These government gifts and programs come with a price, the loss of our freedom as we know it. They will bloat to make decisions for us and we will simply not have any other choice because of how indebted we will be to this damn plan.

The ironic thing is we need to do the exact opposite of what Obama is pushing. We NEED to cut government spending immediately on all the extras, even if people feel entitled to them. We NEED to feel current burden and pain of our mistakes, tighten up our belts and once again remember as a nation how to actually WORK. We need to focus our efforts on NURTURING our SMALL BUSINESSES so that they can grow to provide more jobs, create better product at a lower and more affordable prices and compete with big companies by providing them tax breaks and government funding for growth. We should also be focusing our attention to actual infrastructure projects such as alternative-renewable fuel sources such as geo-thermal generators, wave-generators and other such Tesla-contrived nature-driven ideas. Even try to take the $2.4 BILLION that Obama has earmarked for ‘Global-warming research’ and put it towards a real infrastructure program such as the research and distribution of hydrogen. Now that would make sense.

Mark my words, if Obama’s plan is set into motion he will be going after those small businesses and taxing the shit out of them to pay for that house and car the woman, mentioned above, felt she deserved. This will do nothing more than stifle these struggling enterprises, kill the American dream and further worsen our economic state.

AMERICA PLEASE WAKE UP. Don’t be smooth talked and lured by our freshly-elected, silver-tongued, soothsayer. See this for what it is, it is a trap that will ensnare our nation and seal our demise.

Apparently the Senate just gave their okay yesterday, we need to STOP THIS in the House of Reps. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call your congressmen-women TODAY and let them know that you think this is a REALLY REALLY REALLY bad idea.

Ignorance is not going to be an excuse. Do something. Please do not just do nothing. Talk to a friend and share your concern. Forward my blog. Make yourself heard. People need to understand that Obama is toying with our money and if this goes through, we will not recover in our lifetimes.

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