America getting stripped

How can it be more obvious that piece by piece America continues to be stripped from her rights and beaten into submission? Why can’t our elected officials represent the will of their constituents and do what is right instead of worrying more about their own careers and backroom deals?

Where are all the jobs that we’ve spent BILLIONS and BILLIONS of our children’s taxes on? Failed, Flushed and Gone.

It’s all been a power play by manipulative powers and silver tongued politicians. Let’s see here, what does the Federal Government (who runs everything it touches into utter financial failure) take care of now?

Banking Institutions? Check.
Auto Industry? Check.
Health Care? Check.

I’m SUPER stoked, as I’m sure everyone else is, that the IRS is being beefed up to be the regulating body to carry out this obamanation that just got signed into law.

One more thing. GLOBAL WARMING IS GOING TO KILL US ALL! In marketing there are two universal truths about how to sell something, Sex and/or Fear. The easiest way to control someone is through Fear alone. I find what Lord Christopher Monckton has to say interesting. He points out, “governments would have their people believe humankind is the cause of global warming and thereby strip residents of their rights.” He is a representative of the Science and Public Policy Institute, a nonprofit conservative research and education institute "dedicated to sound public policy based on sound science." He continues, “If America succumbs to liberals' global warming theories and institutes drastic long-term measures into policy, he said, it would ruin the U.S. economy, result in a great loss of life, and make only the most negligible improvements in CO2 levels, sea levels, world temperatures, and other environmental conditions.”

His main point is that even if there has been actual global warming in the past 30 years, it wasn't caused by mankind but rather by a natural cycle of earth's weather patterns, solar activity, and other ebb and flow environmental factors that have been happening for centuries.

It’s important to look at both sides of the equation and recognize if you’re being succored by silver tongued soothsayers.


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