is it to soon to say, “i told you so”?

Read back to my past blogs about propagating entitlement and the welfare mentality in a time when we need to be cutting out the slack and promoting self-sustaining American pride in our countrymen.

Of all the incredible issues that our president could have been focusing on the only thing he’s really been able to accomplish in the 1.5 years he’s been in office is slipping a healthcare bill that was a senate-draft, never been fully read or understand by any one man and never intended to actually be signed into law. A type of bill that has proven itself in history time and time again to be a incredibly huge mistake and one he chooses to hang his hat on to define his presidency. The only people who really want this bill are those who are NOT working and feel entitled to the welfare system’s tax payer’s dollars. The welfare system was NEVER intended to be consumed by able-bodied individuals, how did this concept ever escape us?


Obama is worse than any teenager on a reckless spending spree spending your and my monies with no regard to future consequences. A president with no common sense, exactly what our country needs right now.


I nominate Tom Green to be our next president. I have a feeling he’d be doing a better job.


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